IMPORTANT: The 'Progression Carryover' process does not import your HITMAN 2 locations into HITMAN 3. If you want to do that, go to the Access Pass FAQ section.
Progression Carryover Guide
It is possible to carryover your exisitng player profile, XP, suits, items and unlocks from HITMAN 2 into HITMAN 3. Before detailing the process, here is some information about how the process works and what is / isn't possible.
- Progression can only be carried over from HITMAN 2. (If you have progression from HITMAN 1 locations within HITMAN 2, this is included and can be carried over.)
- Progression can only be carried over from within the same platform. There are four options:
HITMAN 2 (PlayStation) → HITMAN 3 (PlayStation)
HITMAN 2 (Xbox) → HITMAN 3 (Xbox + PC/Windows)
HITMAN 2 (PC/Steam) → HITMAN 3 (PC/Epic)
HITMAN 2 (PC/Steam → HITMAN 3 (PC/Steam) - Progression carryover is a one-time process, meaning once you have performed a carryover for a particular platform, you will not be able to do so again at a later time.
The ONLY exception that allows players to perform the carryover process more than once, is for players who choose to carryover progression from HITMAN 2 (PC/Steam) → HITMAN 3 (PC/Epic), including those who have already done so. These players will be able to perform an additional carryover from HITMAN 2 (PC/Steam) → HITMAN 3 (PC/Steam). For the sake of clarity, please note that it is not possible to move progression from HITMAN 3 (PC/Epic) → HITMAN 3 (PC/Steam).
- If you have played HITMAN 2 on different platforms, you CAN perform a carryover for EACH of those profiles, but only within the same platform, as listed above.
- When you complete the carryover process, your existing HITMAN 2 progress will remain as it is (i.e it will not be removed/deleted). However, the progression between your HITMAN 2 and HITMAN 3 games will NOT be synchronised.
- If you have already started playing and earned some progression in HITMAN 3, and THEN choose to perform the progression carryover process, you will lose all progression earned within HITMAN 3.
What exactly will be carried over?
When you start the process, you will select a platform account that you have linked to your IOI Account. You will then be able to review the HITMAN 2 progress earned on that account and confirm that you want to perform the carryover process into HITMAN 3.
The following progression will be included in the carryover process: The player profile, lifetime XP, location mastery levels, location mastery unlocks, challenge progress, challenge unlocks and Elusive Target suits. Savegame files are not carried over.
What is NOT carried over?
There are a small number of items/unlocks that are not carried over through this process. This is because ownership of these items is tied to something that you have purchased, rather than something that you have unlocked. For example, suits or items that are unlocked through the HITMAN 1 GOTY Edition Escalations are not included in the carryover process, but those items will be available in HITMAN 3 when you redeem access to the associated content.
Start Your Progression Carryover
- Go to your IOI account and link your accounts/platforms that you have earned HITMAN 2 progression on.
- Go to the Offical Progress Carryover site and follow the steps to import progression.
With all your relevant accounts linked, the Progress Carryover site will display your HITMAN 2 progress and you will need to select an account that you wish the progress to be carried over to. Make sure that you have played HITMAN 3 at least once on the account that you want to have your progress carried over to.
Progression Carryover (Cloud)
HITMAN 3 on Stadia
On Stadia, all progression that players have earned in Hitman: World of Assassination (from both H1 and H2) will automatically 'carry over' to HITMAN 3. For additional clarity, Stadia and PC are two different platforms and progress cannot be shared or carried over between them.
HITMAN 3 on Nintendo Switch
Progression carryover is not possible on Nintendo Switch because HITMAN 2 is not available on that platform as a standalone game.
REMINDER: The Progress Carryover process does not import your HITMAN 2 locations into HITMAN 3. If you want to do that, go to the Access Pass FAQ section for a detailed guide.